item10 item10c item2 item3d item10c1 item10c2 item10c3
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Machine Knitting Abbreviations

adj   adjacent
alt   alternate
BB   back bed
beg   beginning
BO   bind off/cast off
carr   carriage
CC   contrast colour
chg   change
CO   cast on
Col1   colour 1
COL   carriage on the left
COR   carriage on the right
cont   continue
dec   decrease
E   every
EN   every needle
ER   every row
E4R   every fourth row
EON   every other needle
EOR   every other row
EOS   every other stitch
FB   front bed
HP   hold or D position (E on Brother/Knitking and Artisan)
inc   increase
K   knit
KS   knit side
KWK   knit, wrap, knit
L   left-hand side
L10   needle 10 left of 0

MB   main bed
MC   main colour
MGCT   main garter carriage tension
MT   main tension
MT-1   MT minus 1 whole number
MT+1   MT plus 1 whole number
MY   main yarn
ndl(s)   needle(s)
NWP   non-working or A position
oppos   opposite
PS   purl side
PU   pick up
R   row(s)
R   right-hand side
RC   row count
rem   remaining
RS   right side
RT   rib tension
st(s)   stitch(es)
T   tension
trans   transfer
UWP   upper working or C position (D on Brother and Artisan machines)
WP   working or B position
WS   wrong side
WY   waste yarn
x   times

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